What makes each person want to buy? Show them that.

Put different messages in front of different people. When you combine tagging with conditional content, you can send each person exactly what they need to see.

Change up your email content and images

Dynamic content lets you change the text and images in an email. That means you can serve up different messaging to different groups of people—and get more contacts to become customers.

Send more personal emails

Try it free. No credit card required. Instant set-up.

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Is it time to nurture, sell, or upsell?

Sometimes it’s too early to ask people to buy. Sometimes you’re talking to existing customers. Dynamic content lets you change your email calls to action, so that you make the right offers to the right people.

Pull from RSS feeds and fetch from URLs

Dynamic content lets you change the text and images in an email. That means you can serve up different messaging to different groups of people—and get more contacts to become customers.

Try it out for your business for free

Try it free. No credit card required. Instant set-up.

Start your free trial
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